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 Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits

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Number of posts : 951
Registration date : 2006-10-07

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PostSubject: Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits   Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 2:53 pm

Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits

by Sister Shawana Abdul Aziz -

Hardships and Ease are a Trial for you.

Everything Allah chooses for you; from good or evil, is for your benefit.

Whatever occurred to you could not have missed you and what missed you could never have reached you.

Sabr (Patience) is obligatory.
Rewards are only for those who become patient with the Decree of Allah.
Panicking and impatience cannot prevent the Decree of Allah.
Shakwah (Complaining) is contradictory to Sabr.
Allah Alone can protect you from harm and ease your difficulties.

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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2011-12-04

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PostSubject: Re: Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits   Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits Icon_minitimeTue Mar 13, 2012 2:02 am

I know that Allah has a sovereign power to show us the easy and straight path of Islam.
But he has given us some time for exam.Who is suitable for Heaven or Hell.
We have to find out the way that we walking is really going to heaven or not.
If not then find out the right path.
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Worldly Difficulties : Reality, Causes and Benefits
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